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Cynthia Jean

 Cynthia Jean has been expressing art through jewelry creations since the early 80's. Born in New York, she grew into a world of art appreciation due to the influence of her father, C. Lee Watts, Jr., who received his training at the Pratt Institute of Art (NYC). As she watched her father paint, he taught her color, design, and reverence for the gift of true artistic expression. From a very young age, she preferred nature as her environment always observing the landscape and collecting treasures from the earth.

Education was Cynthia's first career path. She was both an educator and administrator, with undergraduate and graduate degrees in both. Needing a creative outlet for her art, she learned by studying antique European jewelry techniques how to make her own original designs.

Cynthia Jean's dedication to her artistic expression, has produced many thousand original ornaments of jewelry and accessories. She acknowledges that her resources for design originate from her spiritual connection to the Creator.

About the jewelry design

Example JewelryThe jewels of Cynthia Jean Artisan Designs illuminate visual opulence chosen by women nationally and internationally for adornment and passionate collecting. Royalty, celebrities, entertainers, socialites and professionals reflect their feminine ideal with these artful jewelry embellishments. Fine art galleries, boutiques and resorts offer the bracelets, necklaces, earrings and pins of Cynthia Jean Artisan Designs, which have been described as combinations of rhythm, movement, color and texture. Each jeweled creation is enhanced by the use of exquisite antique and vintage acquisitions having rich heritage gathered from worldwide journeys. The energy and emotion of this mystique have become personal to both the artist and the collector of this fine jewelry.
Cynthia Jean Artisan Designs creates all original works of jeweled art, making separate demands upon the designer. Compositional planning, refinement of detail and the embodiment of elegant color are a part of the creative process.

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